Developing a new learning package

When thinking ahead to what the future of the project may be, we considered that it would be of benefit to try and develop a learning package to support the sharing of knowledge and information within Gwynedd, across the North Wales region, and beyond.

In order to enable us to develop such a package we successfully bid for funding from the Regional Transformation Board. This is both an opportunity and a challenge for us within the project! Creating material to compliment the Effective Child Protection Training Session may sound to some an easy ‘add on’ but ultimately it has meant a lot of developmental work. Creating, refining and prioritising; ensuring that the key messages are clear; and considering what platform may work best for the information included whilst also considering that we all learn in different ways.

We recognised the importance of involving some people we regarded as specialists in their fields of practice and have been able to commission some bespoke work from them which will add greater depth to some of the messages that we wish to deliver.

The learning package which is now deep in development will encompass a variety of documents, videos and eLearning modules, all of which aim to support and develop professionals’ understanding of effective child practice and what this means for practice.